Kathi Borgmann

Bill Macaulay, Lab of Ornithology benefactor, dies at 74

By Macaulay Library Team
We are deeply saddened by the loss of William E. “Bill” Macaulay, a longtime benefactor of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, whose name graces the digital media archive—The Linda R. and William E. Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. The archive honors both Bill, an avid bird watcher, and his wife Linda R.…

Can voices from the Macaulay Library help return illegally captured birds back home?

By Kathi Borgmann
Illegal wildlife trade is a booming billion-dollar business, ranking third among illegal activities after drug and human trafficking. Many millions of live and dead animals across the globe are sold every year for traditional medicines, jewelry, and personal collections. Among animals trafficked for the pet trade, birds are the most exploited group. Every year millions…

Mission Accomplished: students and staff return with new recordings of Australian birds

By Eliot Miller
Dawn found us in the midst of a deafening chorus of birdsong in the Australian bush. As we discussed our plan for the morning, hordes of hungry honeyeaters were already at work fighting for the sweet nectar of nearby flowers. As we set off on our separate ways through the red earth, low shrubs, and…

The joys of recording bird sounds

By Kathi Borgmann
We recently asked our followers why they record bird sounds. We received many heartfelt responses from recordists around the world. We could not have said it better ourselves! Here are Martina Nordstrand, Guillermo Funes, Wesley Rajaleelan, Erik Dale Ostrander, Ben Mirin, Mario Reyes,  Samim Akhter, Julia Plummer, Mike Hearell, and Laura Giannone in their own words…