Team eBird

Eastern North American forest birds most threatened on wintering grounds

By Team eBird
Over the past few millennia, human-caused habitat change has had one of the most profound effects on bird populations globally, especially since industrialization in the 1800s. Looking forward, we can expect human-caused habitat loss to represent the greatest threat to many North American breeding birds. The problem will be most severe on their wintering grounds, according to…

Edward W. Rose III Postdoctoral Fellowship Program at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology

By Team eBird
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology invites applications for our Edward W. Rose Postdoctoral Fellowships. These competitive postdoctoral fellowship awards ( support innovative, independent research by early career scholars of exceptional promise. Multiple Rose Fellow positions are available annually, with applications due on September 8. All Rose Fellows join a vibrant community of more than a…

Female Bird Song Project

By Team eBird
by Karan Odom Most birders know that males of many bird species sing. Less well known is that females of many species sing too – and that their songs can often be equally beautiful and complex. In fact, recent research shows that females sing in about 2/3 of songbird species, and that female songs likely evolved…

A World of Sound—Juan Pablo Culasso

By Team eBird
Livestream the Cornell Lab’s Monday Night Seminar on Monday, April 3 at 7:30PM EDT, where Juan Pablo Culasso will be sharing his inspiring story about ornithology and audio recording as a blind birdwatcher: A World of Sound. Juan Pablo is from Uruguay, and travels throughout the world, continually proving that you don’t need sight to truly see. He…

Introducing community rating for photos and sounds!

By Team eBird
With more than 2.5 million images already in the Macaulay Library/eBird media collection, and thousands more added every day, it’s important to be able to find what you’re looking for. To that end, we’ve recently enabled the capability for any logged-in eBird user to rate the quality of any piece of media in the collection.…