Papers published in 2019 that used media from the Macaulay Library
Amaral, B. R., T. O. Laranjeiras, M. Cohn-Haft, G. A. Leite, R. Czaban, and C. L. Rutt (2019). Major range extension for Orange-fronted Plushcrown Metopothrix aurantiaca in the central Amazon of Brazil. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 139:99–104.
Andriola, J. V. P., and A. P. Marcon (2019b). A review of vertebrate predation by Embernagra platensis (Passeriformes: Thraupidae) and a new in situ record of anuran predation. Atualidades Ornitológicas 207:3.
Areta, J. I., E. A. Depino, S. A. Salvador, S. W. Cardiff, K. Epperly, and I. Holzmann (2019). Species limits and biogeography of Rhynchospiza sparrows. Journal of Ornithology.
Bamba-Kaya, A., A.-G. Zassi-Boulou, E. Tobi, T. D. Hayes, D. M. Portik, D. C. Blackburn, and G. F. M. Jongsma (2019). Notes on a little known Central African Reed Frog, Hyperolius schoutedeni Laurent, 1943. Herpetology Notes 12:873–876.
Barreira, A. S., and N. C. García (2019). Visual and Acoustic Communication in Neotropical Birds: Diversity and Evolution of Signals. In Behavioral Ecology of Neotropical Birds (J. C. Reboreda, V. D. Fiorini and D. T. Tuero, Editors). Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 155–183.
Barros, R., F. Medrano, H. V. Norambuena, R. Peredo, R. Silva, F. de Groote, and F. Schmitt (2019). Breeding Phenology, Distribution and Conservation Status of Markham’s Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma markhami in the Atacama Desert. Ardea 107:75.
Berg, K. S., S. Delgado, and A. Mata-Betancourt (2019). Phylogenetic and kinematic constraints on avian flight signals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286:20191083.
Bianco, M. J., P. Gerstoft, J. Traer, E. Ozanich, M. A. Roch, S. Gannot, C.-A. Deledalle, and W. Li (2019). Machine learning in acoustics: a review. arXiv:1905.04418 [physics].
Boesman, P. (2019). Black Francolin has two vocal groups. Dutch Birding 41:73–79.
Boesman, P., and N. J. Collar (2019). Two undescribed species of bird from West Africa. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 139:147–159.
Bonenberger, D. J. (2019). Reconciling the dissonance between Historic Preservation and Virtual Reality through a Place-based Virtual Heritage system. Dissertation:179.
Brady, M. L., A. E. Hiller, D. I. Rumiz, N. L. Herzog-Hamel, and S. K. Herzog (2019). First Bolivian record of Laughing Gull Leucophaeus atricilla, and two noteworthy records of Fulica coots from Laguna Guapilo, dpto. Santa Cruz. Cotinga 41:98–100.
Buitrago-Cardona, A., Z. Colón-Piñeiro, K. G. Borja-Acosta, A. M. Ospina-Larrea, S. P. Galeano, and O. Acevedo-Charry (2019a). Dataset on audio records of animals from the northeast Andes of Colombia I: The bird sounds of Boyacá Department. Data in Brief:104941.
Cain, K. E., M. L. Hall, I. Medina, A. V. Leitao, K. Delhey, L. Brouwer, A. Peters, S. Pruett-Jones, M. S. Webster, N. E. Langmore, and R. A. Mulder (2019). Conspicuous Plumage Does Not Increase Predation Risk: A Continent-Wide Test Using Model Songbirds. The American Naturalist 193:359–372.
Carneiro, L., G. A. Bravo, and A. Aleixo (2019). Phenotypic similarity leads to taxonomic inconsistency: A revision of the lowland’s antpittas. Zoologica Scripta 48:46–56.
Carvalho, T. R. de, A. A. Giaretta, N. M. Maciel, D. A. Barrera, C. Aguilar-Puntriano, C. F. B. Haddad, M. N. C. Kokubum, M. Menin, and A. Angulo (2019). On the Uncertain Taxonomic Identity of Adenomera hylaedactyla (Cope, 1868) and the Composite Type Series of A. andreae (Müller, 1923) (Anura, Leptodactylidae). Copeia 107:708–723.
Charlton, B. D., M. A. Owen, and R. R. Swaisgood (2019). Coevolution of vocal signal characteristics and hearing sensitivity in forest mammals. Nature Communications 10:1–7.
Darras, K. F. A., M. D. Corre, G. Formaglio, A. Tjoa, A. Potapov, F. Brambach, K. T. Sibhatu, I. Grass, A. A. Rubiano, D. Buchori, J. Drescher, et al. (2019). Reducing Fertilizer and Avoiding Herbicides in Oil Palm Plantations—Ecological and Economic Valuations. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 2:65.
DeCicco, L. H., S. S. Brady, S. Hamilton, A. Havimana, X. M. Mapel, J. M. McCullough, K. V. Olson, I. G. Tigulu, S. L. Travers, A. Tugu, M. J. Andersen, and R. G. Moyle (2019). Notes on the birds of Isabel, Solomon Islands, including the first record since 1927 of Island Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus maforensis. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 139:311–319.
Desjonquères, C., T. Gifford, and S. Linke (2019). Passive acoustic monitoring as a potential tool to survey animal and ecosystem processes in freshwater environments. Freshwater Biology 0.
Diniz, P., R. H. Macedo, and M. S. Webster (2019). Duetting correlates with territory quality and reproductive success in a suboscine bird with low extra-pair paternity. The Auk 136.
DiSciullo, R. A., C. F. Thompson, and S. K. Sakaluk (2019). Perceived threat to paternity reduces likelihood of paternal provisioning in house wrens. Behavioral Ecology.
Escalona Sulbarán, M. D., P. Ivo Simões, A. Gonzalez-Voyer, and S. Castroviejo-Fisher (2019). Neotropical frogs and mating songs: The evolution of advertisement calls in glassfrogs. Journal of evolutionary biology 32:163–176.
Friedman, N. R., E. T. Miller, J. R. Ball, H. Kasuga, V. Remeš, and E. P. Economo (2019). Evolution of a multifunctional trait: shared effects of foraging ecology and thermoregulation on beak morphology, with consequences for song evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286:20192474.
Gammon, D. E., and A. M. Corsiglia (2019). Mockingbirds imitate frogs and toads across North America. Behavioural Processes 169:103982.
Guayasamin, J. M., J. Vieira, R. E. Glor, and C. R. Hutter (2019). A new glassfrog (Centrolenidae: Hyalinobatrachium) from the Topo River Basin, Amazonian slopes of the Andes of Ecuador. Amphib. Reptile Conserv. 13:12.
Gwee, C. Y., J. A. Eaton, K. M. Garg, P. ALSTRÖM, S. B. Van Balen, R. O. Hutchinson, D. M. Prawiradilaga, M. H. Le, and F. E. Rheindt (2019a). Cryptic diversity in Cyornis (Aves: Muscicapidae) jungle-flycatchers flagged by simple bioacoustic approaches. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.
Gwee, C. Y., J. A. Eaton, E. Y. X. Ng, and F. E. Rheindt (2019b). Species delimitation within the Glaucidium brodiei owlet complex using bioacoustic tools. Avian Research 10:36.
Hernández, F., M. Torres, L. Sáenz, C. S. Sevillano-Ríos, and G. F. Seeholzer (2019). Distribution of Wedge-tailed Grass Finch Emberizoides herbicola in Peru, with three new localities. Cotinga 41:52–56.
Hill, S. D., and M. D. Pawley (2019). Reduced song complexity in founder populations of a widely distributed songbird. Ibis 161:435–440.
Jiang, J., L. Bu, F. Duan, X. Wang, W. Liu, Z. Sun, and C. Li (2019a). Whistle detection and classification for whales based on convolutional neural networks. Applied Acoustics 150:169–178.
Jiang, J., X. Wang, F. Duan, X. Fu, T. Huang, C. Li, L. Ma, L. Bu, and Z. Sun (2019b). A sonar-embedded disguised communication strategy by combining sonar waveforms and whale call pulses for underwater sensor platforms. Applied Acoustics 145:255–266.
Jiang, J., X. Wang, F. Duan, W. Liu, L. Bu, F. Li, C. Li, Z. Sun, S. Ma, and C. Deng (2019c). Study of the relationship between pilot whale (Globicephala melas) behaviour and the ambiguity function of its sounds. Applied Acoustics 146:31–37.
Jones, A. W., A. T. Boone, C. L. Brennan, P. G. Rodewald, and E. Kistler (2019). Documentation of a hybrid Spizella sparrow using spectographic and genetic analysis. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 139:105–110.
Ju, C., F. C. Geller, P. C. Mundinger, and D. C. Lahti (2019). Four decades of cultural evolution in House Finch songs. The Auk:18.
Kane, M. E., T. M. Gehring, B. T. Shirkey, M. A. Picciuto, and J. W. Simpson (2019). Migration Chronology and Wintering Locations of King Rails (Rallus elegans) Captured in the Upper Midwest. Waterbirds 42:210–216.
Kirschel, A. N. G., N. Seddon, and J. Tobias (2019). Range-wide spatial mapping reveals convergent character displacement of bird song. Evolutionary Biology.
Lavinia, P. D., A. S. Barreira, L. Campagna, P. L. Tubaro, and D. A. Lijtmaer (2019). Contrasting evolutionary histories in Neotropical birds: divergence across an environmental barrier in South America. Molecular Ecology 0.
Linck, E., B. G. Freeman, and J. P. Dumbacher (2019). Speciation with gene flow across an elevational gradient in New Guinea kingfishers. Evolutionary Biology.
Luzuriaga‐Aveiga, V. E., and J. T. Weir (2019). Elevational differentiation accelerates trait evolution but not speciation rates in Amazonian birds. Ecology Letters 22:624–633.
MacDonald, G. J., C. D. Delancey, and K. Islam (2019). Novel vocalizations, including song, from 2 female Cerulean Warblers (Setophaga cerulea). The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 131:366.
Macedo, G., M. Silva, F. R. do Amaral, and M. Maldonado-Coelho (2019). Symmetrical discrimination despite weak song differentiation in 2 suboscine bird sister species. Behavioral Ecology.
Makin, D. F., S. Chamaillé-Jammes, and A. M. Shrader (2019). Alarm calls or predator calls: which elicit stronger responses in ungulate communities living with and without lions? Oecologia.
Marín-Gómez, O. H., and I. MacGregor-Fors (2019). How Early Do Birds Start Chirping? Dawn Chorus Onset and Peak Times in a Neotropical City. Ardeola 66:327–341.
Mcnamara, C. E. (2019). Habitat Use and Nightly Activity Patterns of Bats on a Military Landscape in Western Kentucky. [Online.] Available at
Mennill, D. J., S. M. Doucet, A. E. M. Newman, H. Williams, I. G. Moran, I. P. Thomas, B. K. Woodworth, M. M. K. Bornais, and D. R. Norris (2019). Eavesdropping on adult vocal interactions does not enhance juvenile song learning: an experiment with wild songbirds. Animal Behaviour 155:67–75.
Miller, E. H., J. I. Areta, A. Jaramillo, S. Imberti, and R. Matus (2019). Snipe taxonomy based on vocal and non-vocal sound displays: the South American Snipe is two species. Ibis 0.
Mills, M. S., P. Boesman, and N. Collar (2019). Species limits in the African Palm Swift Cypsiurus parvus. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 139:75–82.
Mitchell, L. R., L. Benedict, J. Cavar, N. Najar, and D. M. Logue (2019). The evolution of vocal duets and migration in New World warblers (Parulidae). The Auk: Ornithological Advances 136:1–8.
Moncrieff, A. E., O. Johnson, D. F. Lane, J. Á. Alonso, K. Balta, K. Eckhardt, J. Armenta, T. Valqui, F. Hernández, M. S. Huaira, C. Mur, et al. (2019). Avifaunal surveys along the lower Huallaga River, Region of Loreto, Peru: New distributional records, collection of topotypes, and taxonomic implications. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology.
Moreno-Contreras, I., H. Gómez de Silva, V. Andrade-González, C. Vital-García, and M. F. Ortiz-Ramírez (2019). Disentangling an avian assemblages’ evolutionary and functional history in a Chihuahuan desert city. Urban Ecosystems.
Naka, L. N., T. O. Laranjeiras, G. R. Lima, A. C. Plaskievicz, D. Mariz, B. M. D. Costa, H. S. G. D. Menezes, M. D. F. Torres, and M. Cohn-Haft (2019). The Avifauna of the Rio Branco, an Amazonian evolutionary and ecological hotspot in peril. Bird Conservation International:1–19.
Naude, V. N., L. K. Smyth, E. A. Weideman, B. A. Krochuk, and A. Amar (2019). Using web-sourced photography to explore the diet of a declining African raptor, the Martial Eagle (Polemaetus bellicosus). The Condor:9.
Niemasik, E. L. (2019). Cooperative Breeding Helps Brown-Headed Nuthatches (Sitta pusilla) Face Heterospecific Competition. [Online.] Available at
Niese, R. L. (2019). WHY THE WEIRD WINGS? Investigating the morphology, function, and evolution of unusual feathers in pigeons and doves (Columbidae). University of Montana Theses:141.
Paxton, K. L., E. Sebastián-González, J. M. Hite, L. H. Crampton, D. Kuhn, and P. J. Hart (2019). Loss of cultural song diversity and the convergence of songs in a declining Hawaiian forest bird community. Royal Society Open Science 6:190719.
Porzio, N., M. Repenning, and C. Fontana (2019a). Do beak volume and bite force influence the song structure of sympatric species of seedeaters (Thraupidae: Sporophila)? Emu-Austral Ornithology 119:71–78.
Porzio, N. S., M. Repenning, and C. S. Fontana (2019b). Evolution of Beak Size and Song Constraints in Neotropical Seedeaters (Thraupidae: Sporophila). Acta Ornithologica 53:173–180.
Quispe-Melgar, H. R., C. S. Sevillano-Ríos, W. C. Navarro Romo, F. N. Ames-Martínez, V. Camel, J. Fjeldså, and M. Kessler (2019). The Central Andes of Peru: a key area for the conservation of Polylepis forest biodiversity. Journal of Ornithology.
Rempel, R., J. Jackson, S. Van Wilgenburg, and J. Rodgers (2019). A multiple detection state occupancy model using autonomous recordings facilitates correction of false positive and false negative observation errors. Avian Conservation and Ecology 14.
Riebel Katharina, Odom Karan J., Langmore Naomi E., and Hall Michelle L. (2019). New insights from female bird song: towards an integrated approach to studying male and female communication roles. Biology Letters 15:20190059.
Rigby, E. A., and D. H. Johnson (2019). Factors affecting detection probability, effective area surveyed, and species misidentification in grassland bird point counts. The Condor 121.
Robinson, C. M., K. T. Snyder, and N. Creanza (2019). Correlated evolution between repertoire size and song plasticity predicts that sexual selection on song promotes open-ended learning. eLife 8:e44454.
Rosenberg, K. V., A. M. Dokter, P. J. Blancher, J. R. Sauer, A. C. Smith, P. A. Smith, J. C. Stanton, A. Panjabi, L. Helft, M. Parr, and P. P. Marra (2019). Decline of the North American avifauna. Science:eaaw1313.
Rountree, R. A., M. Bolgan, and F. Juanes (2019). How Can We Understand Freshwater Soundscapes Without Fish Sound Descriptions? Fisheries 44:137–143.
Schneider, J. N., and E. M. III (2019). Characterizing the rhythm and tempo of sound production by singing whales. Bioacoustics 28:239–256.
Schroeder, K. M., and S. B. McRae (2019). Vocal Repertoire of the King Rail (Rallus elegans). Waterbirds 42:154–167.
Snyder, K. T., and N. Creanza (2019). Polygyny is linked to accelerated birdsong evolution but not to larger song repertoires. Nature Communications 10:1–15.
Souriau, A., N. Geberzahn, V. V. Ivanitskii, I. M. Marova, J. Vokurková, R. Reifová, J. Reif, and T. Petrusková (2019). Singing behind the stage: thrush nightingales produce more variable songs on their wintering grounds. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73:150.
Stillman, A. N., R. B. Siegel, R. L. Wilkerson, M. Johnson, C. A. Howell, and M. W. Tingley (2019). Nest site selection and nest survival of Black-backed Woodpeckers after wildfire. The Condor 121.
Strickfaden, K. M., D. A. Fagre, J. D. Golding, A. H. Harrington, K. M. Reintsma, J. D. Tack, and V. J. Dreitz (2019). Dependent double-observer method reduces false positive errors in auditory avian survey data. Ecological Applications 0.
Sugai, L. S. M., and D. Llusia (2019). Bioacoustic time capsules: using acoustic monitoring to document biodiversity. Ecological Indicators 99:149–152.
Teixeira, D., M. Maron, and B. J. Rensburg (2019). Bioacoustic monitoring of animal vocal behavior for conservation. Conservation Science and Practice:e72.
Thakur, A., P. Sharma, V. Abrol, and P. Rajan (2019). Conv-codes: Audio Hashing For Bird Species Classification. arXiv:1902.02498 [cs, eess].
Weir, J. T., and T. D. Price (2019). Song playbacks demonstrate slower evolution of song discrimination in birds from Amazonia than from temperate North America. PLOS Biology 17:e3000478.
White, A., G. Tarbill, R. Wilkerson, and R. Siegel (2019). Few detections of Black-backed Woodpeckers (<em>Picoides arcticus</em>) in extreme wildfires in the Sierra Nevada. Avian Conservation and Ecology 14.
Williams, H., C. W. Robins, D. R. Norris, A. E. M. Newman, C. R. Freeman-Gallant, N. T. Wheelwright, and D. J. Mennill (2019). The buzz segment of Savannah sparrow song is a population marker. Journal of Ornithology 160:217–227.
Zanette, L. Y., E. C. Hobbs, L. E. Witterick, S. A. MacDougall-Shackleton, and M. Clinchy (2019). Predator-induced fear causes PTSD-like changes in the brains and behaviour of wild animals. Scientific Reports 9:1–10.